Brand : Calvin's PuzzleMaterial : ABS plasticDimension : about 57mm x 57mm x 57mmPackaging : small clear boxWeight : 110g (small clear box) Troy 3D-Star & Truncated 3D-Star are brand new designs by Troy Robinson. They are built based on the 3x3x3 internal mechanism, but with interesting outer shapes. Be shapes as 3D-Star and Truncated 3D-Star, they both are good looking puzzles.The quality of this puzzles are as good as the normal 3x3x3 cubes. They turn smooth. You have to retain the plastic color as original stage to solve them.You won't regret to try and play them on hand. We shall have black, white and limited blue versions.
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Calvin's Puzzles Eitan's TriCube
Calvin's Puzzle Eitan's TriCube
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